
And a happy new year

We should count our blessings because despite a horrendous lack of sleep in the past year thanks to young Ned doing his nighttime antics, we’ve not been hit by the worst of the ConDem coalitions policies. Eoin Clarke has put together a list, with evidential links to support the claims, of some of the biggest failings of the last 3 and a half inglorious years. Take with a pinch of salt, as any internet search for Eoin Clarke has almost as many public apologies for what he has got wrong as it does links to articles he’s written but the general gist is unmissable. We’ve been royally screwed over by the current government.

I see daily on twitter the real struggle people I follow have- putting meals on the table, stopping the damp and mold spreading because they can’t afford to heat their homes properly- and I’m guilty of not counting my blessings when I should.

However hard your past year has been, I hope 2014 is better for you!

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