
When things go quiet here…

…it’s usually because I’m busy somewhere else. You see, I bet you thought it was because I’m an idle so and so ;)

When I started writing this blog almost a year ago, part of the impetus to do it was my previous blogs/websites had usually ground to a halt. They lacked a theme or motif for keeping them going. I’m good at having ideas but poor at maintaining the momentum to keep things going. So a parent blog seemed a good idea, as it meant I could blog about something that is close to my heart and at the same time hopefully save all those poor bastards at work who are too polite to tell me to shut up when I go on and on about my family.

I’m happy that this is still the case, and with the odd short term hiatus, this blog has probably had more input from me than half a dozen other sites I’ve administered since I got my first hosting package in 1997. But there are other things I want to talk about that don’t necessarily fit in here. One of which is my love of reading. I’m a bit of a sci fi/fantasy/horror bore at heart, arguably that part of me hasn’t grown up, but last Autumn I joined a book group to try and broaden my horizons a little.

As a result of this I decided to set up a secondary blog (it’s in my blogroll but I’m sure you never check that), called I am currently reading. It contains my musings on the books I’ve always loved, the one I’m ploughing through at the minute and the one I’ve just finished. It’s probably not your cup of tea but that’s what I’ve been up to recently, in case you were wondering :)

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