
How to make moving house easy for kids

Moving house can be just as stressful children as it is for the adults. Children have such vivid memories of growing up in a particular home that switching things up can be quite an emotional experience for them. Luckily, the experience of moving your life can be transformed into something positive with just a few sentimental and pragmatic gestures.

Get them to help out

While this might seem an obvious step in the sense that you might very need them to help out, encouraging them to join in makes the whole process less daunting. Showing them how to pack up toys and clothes helps to distract them from the bigger picture of moving into an unfamiliar house. It also teaches them that this is more of a practical venture than one of moving away from old memories. It’s also said that letting them do fun things such as wrapping items in bubble wrap will make the whole process less stressful.

Keep meaningful objects

Getting children to make a box or travel bag full of important objects keeps an aspect of familiarity with them. Helping them pack some objects that remind them of the current house and toys they use every day will help avoid the feeling that everything they know is now in a completely different house. Some people recommend turning it into a treasure box to add an element of fun to it.

Encourage them to imagine their new room

This step also encourages you to do some creative planning, too. There are going to be some more significant, more financial, legal steps to moving that will leave you feeling preoccupied. If you’re still hunting for solicitors in Bristol, for instance, then taking a few moments out of each day to plan the kids’ new bedrooms will give both you and them something to look forward to. It also reminds you to start thinking about the design of the rest of the home. Planning the layout of each room helps with the organisation of what to pack first and which objects belong in which removal truck. The promise of painting a bedroom a favourite colour or decorating with a theme will get kids excited about their new home.

Make saying goodbye positive

Moving out of a home with plenty of memories can be hard for anyone at any age. Teaching your kids to say goodbye in a way that’s fun not only makes the move easier on them but also easy on you. Talking to your kids about all the things you can do in your new house will get them looking forward to your big move, and what lies ahead. In the meantime, the promise of a takeaway might provide some short-term excitement in your new house.

Whether you use the reward of pizza in the new house or a brand new bedroom to get your kids enjoying the moving process, it’s vital that they become a part of it. Teaching them the fun in packing and bundling up old possessions not only teaches them to see the lighter side of things but also reminds you to relax during the process. A new life and a new home is an incredibly exciting process, so why not enjoy it as much as you can?

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