
We should not be ashamed to be Dads

There are some headlines you din’t expect to see in this day and age and the Telegraphs, NHS removes ‘Dad’ from parenting leaflets to avoid upsetting same-sex couples” is one of them. I’m no longer a Dad as far as the NHS booklet  Ready Steady Baby is concerned, I’m now a partner to someone who is having a baby.

dads not welcome, don’t even mention us for fear of offending!
I can’t be a Dad because according to one single solitary complaint it might offend a female same sex couple expecting a baby. I completely agree with Robert Oxley of the Tax Payers Alliance on this one, it’s barmy. 
It’s more than barmy though, it’s part of modern societies attempts to impersonalise the family at every basic level. I’m fed up with having to correct people when they ask me about my “partner”. She’s not my “partner”, she’s my “wife”, I’m married to her and I’m the father to our 3 children. As a society we’re so keen to not offend people that probably wouldn’t be offended anyway, that we end up pleasing nobody.
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