
Netflix and ILL

This week was all about (indirectly, and also making it all about me me me) feeling like a proper grown up rather than a man-child pretending to be an adult.

You see poor old Fifi (well not so much old, she’s only 7) had to have some dental surgery at a London hosptial. Fifi has abnormally weak teeth. This is probably partially inherited but also due to having chicken pox at a young age and possibly an early course of antibiotics too. Who can say exactly why but the fact is that she brushes her teeth diligently after every meal, uses a special fluoride mouthwash, and has a low sugar diet (no sweets, and all we drink is tap water) but nevertheless had to have 6 teeth out, 2 capped and a treatment put on the rest, under a general anaesthetic at St Tomas’ Hospital earlier this week.

She was super brave, as was wifey, who hates hospitals. The next day was designated a day of rest so we installed Fifi on the sofa with the Fire TV remote and access to her kids Netflix profile. I sat snuggled with her for most of the day, providing freezy pops and ice cream on demand, and I got to see a very Fifi selection of movies:

What was great was we could sit together and watch stuff on Netflix without having to get up and change discs or endure endless advert breaks. It’s that time of year when I could happily ban television for the kids because whenever they watch it, I get endlessly harassed to buy whichever gaudy bit of plastic junk sponsors that show or is endlessly advertised. Although I’m on the Netflix blogger programme (the StreamTeam), Netflix is a service we genuinely couldn’t do without. We watch so little live TV now, the idea of actually waiting for something to be on is decidedly odd.

Thankfully Fifi was back at school yesterday, determined to carry on her education and put her dental woes behind her. Me, I had a surprisingly relaxed day on the sofa watching girly movies.

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