
The Vomit Marathon Has Begun!!!

I went out for the first time in ages this evening, to the St Albans Book Club. I must say they were a lovely bunch of people and hopefully by admitting most of the books I read involve spaceships, or as my wife puts it, elves, pixies and goblins, I haven’t alienated myself.

Unfortunately just before I headed off Wifey was sick and whilst I was out of mobile reception range, the wee lass was violently ill over my poor brother. I did umm and aah about going but I cancelled what would have been my inaurgal visit last month at short notice due to sickness in the household and since they’ve closed the group to new members, I thought it would be pushing my luck to drop out at the last minute twice on the trot.
I am now waiting with not much optimism for the vomit comet to make its visit to me.
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