
Here comes the weekend

It’s our 6th wedding anniversary tomorrow and to celebrate I’ve organised a kick about with some of our lads versus the Americans.

Whilst this is happening, and all attention is diverted elsewhere, we shall to slipping out to our favourite Italian for a nice dinner. It will be nice to go out for an evening together if we’re well enough. Having two small children does often bring with it exhaustion and a tendency to pick up illnesses that a genteel life and plenty of sleep would see us hardened against.

It’s funny really, when we got married people automatically assumed we only did it because we wanted to start a family immediately. And from what friends have done this does seem to be the norm. But, for me certainly, I wanted to get married because I was head over heels in love and wanted to give a public declaration of that love and commitment. Didn’t stop everyone asking wifey if she was preggers for the next 6 months though. She blamed the cake.

6 years later and two small bundles of joy, frustration, exhaustion and love later, I can firmly say I’m still head over heels. Hurrah!

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