
A life less biscuity

If I were to ask Fifi to list her favourite things in life, in no particular order her list would look like this:

the Fifi endorsed biscuit
But at the tender age of three, it is perhaps the first that is closest to her heart. I mentioned in a post the other day how she was excited about going to the zoo but her first thought was of what snacks to take with her. Fifi has always had cereal for breakfast, where the boy demands ham sandwiches, or just bread and butter but recently she has begun to supplement a half eaten bowl of cereal with biscuits. It’s a motif that has expanded itself across the day- I get the impression she’s not eating as much at meal times as she could or should so she leaves room for a furtive biscuit.
She’s not a thin girl by any stretch, all of our kids have a certain solidity about them that means in a hurricane, they’ll be the last kids standing but neither is she fat. In fact giving her a cuddle at times she seems all elbows, pointy shoulder blades and knees. But she does love a biscuit. 
I love a biscuit too and knocking them on the head has probably been the biggest headache of my diet. Fifi would quite often wander up and pop a biscuit in my mouth as she munched her way through another packet of mini Jammy Dodgers but no more. More for her she’ll think but perhaps she is a little surprised at the change…
*if anyone ever does a mash up of Dora and Peppa, Fifi will quite literally explode with excitement.
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