
Redoubling my efforts

As I’ve mentioned on twitter, the old weight loss has plateaued a bit recently. Although I’ve shed two stone so far this year, I’d shed two stone by the start of March. It also sounds a lot less impressive when you say you’re 104kg’s rather than 16 and a half stone. Curse you metric weights!

Still, I’ve had two weeks gliding to and from work in eery electric silence, which has cost me around 40 miles of quickly trodden walking, so now that the Nissan LEAF has gone back (you can STILL vote you know!) I can burn off a few more calories through enjoyable exercise.

One of these…to go

I’m not quite back in the swing though, yesterday for example I was armed with my waterproof coat but no trousers*, so by the time I got home I was half soaked and left a puddle on the door mat. I’ve currently set myself the short term target of getting below 100kg’s, psychologically I think that’s going to be easier than aiming for a stone or something.

* waterproof trousers. Even I have to wear trousers to work. They were very specific about that.

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