
World Cup excitement

That’s Suarez biting a player at the World Cup. That’s the player of the year. That’s the name on kids shirts. That’s what’s wrong.
— 5h4n3 l/lcC4ff3r7y (@EGVroom) June 24, 2014

We’re having a brilliant time watching the World Cup in our house. The 5pm kick offs are great for the kids, and thanks to the official FIFA/Pannini app and actual Pannini stickers, the boy is enthused and can even recognise a lot of the players. Okay, England might have gone out but at least that meant we weren’t watching the Uruguay match, because good old Luis Suarez decided to sink his canine teeth into an Italian defender. I mean, most people would wait post match until popping out for an Italian, they certainly wouldn’t do it during a crucial World Cup group match. Joking aside though, we will be avoiding Uruguay for however long they stay in the tournament and focussing on the panoply of glorious football that has been played. I’ve spent almost as long outside kicking a ball about with inspired kids as I have watching the game. So far, biting aside, it’s been a true carnival of football…

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